2025 Winter Winners
January 18th
Specific Sessions TBA
Use the Events Calendar to Register for Routine Clinics for extra help learning Routines! - Clinic days/times TBA
Participating Classes: Basics - Fundamentals - Progressive 1 - Progressive 2 - Progressive 3 - PreTeam - Tiny Twisters - Little Jumpers
Where: Rigert Elite Gymnastics - Main Gym 831 NW Corporate Drive, Troutdale, OR 97060
What Athletes Receive: Every athlete will receive a medal and a special athlete gift!
Participant Entry Fee: $50/athlete
Spectator Admissions: $5/per person
Registration Deadline: December 21st 2024 - Missed the deadline? There may still be openings, check with the office
Specific Session Time for each athlete will be sent out after Registration Deadline

Videos of Routines to Practice at Home
Basics Vault: https://youtu.be/ GwFaW_oPIvg
Basics Bars: https://youtu.be/P- 4JuzKmOz8
Basics Beam: https://youtu.be/ JRvhYOa_gSk
Basics Floor: https://youtu.be/ NZ6iFkz5qA0
Fundamentals Vault https://youtu.be/X4_fVseU-YU
Fundamentals Bars https://youtube.com/shorts/ ikeLEyM0CkE?feature=share
Fundamentals Beam https://youtube.com/shorts/ f7tvBYHCPoA?feature=share
Fundamentals Floor https://youtube.com/shorts/ GtTR8-RIRqw?feature=share
Progressive 1 Vault https://youtu.be/CD9nTF40MNo
Progressive 1 Bars https://youtube.com/shorts/ ZNVcfhvnnNQ?feature=share
Progressive 1 Beam https://youtube.com/shorts/ qs35G88poEA?feature=share
Progressive 1 Floor https://youtube.com/shorts/ GnSa87DgSj4?feature=share
Progressive 2 Vault: https://youtu.be/ 7uY1AQMh5Jg
Progressive 2 Bars: https://youtu.be/ FWHd65VN2x4
Progressive 2 Beam: https://youtu.be/ Ey12JYJ64Tk
Progressive 2 Floor: https://youtube.com/shorts/piUbgCy1mOE?si=A8bjOx_WYD_dzAww
Progressive 3 Vault: https://youtu.be/ xcik58YDzYo
Progressive 3 Bars: https://youtu.be/ HXAF9eEl434
Progressive 3 Beam: https://youtu.be/ Ey12JYJ64Tk
Progressive 3 Floor: https://youtube.com/shorts/piUbgCy1mOE?si=A8bjOx_WYD_dzAww
PreTeam and Little Jumpers Floor: https://youtube.com/shorts/ UdednWG1CYw?si= 2t3rjySGodE0EHTc
PreTeam and Little Jumpers Beam: https://youtu.be/dQvHVblAGmc