Summer Team Events

Sandy Mt. Days Parade – Thursday, July 11th – This is a Thursday night parade.  There is a part in the parade where judges are stationed and we can do a short dance/performance on the parade route. All team kids can attend this event and walk in the parade, but kids training levesl 4-6 will learn the dance to be performed at the judges spot in the parade.

Wood Village Nite Out – Friday, July 19th at 5:00 pm – This is not a parade, but it is a fun community event that we have a booth at and there is a performance time that we do in a field in the back.  I do not have times for this performance at this time, but we are hoping to have all our kids levels 7 and up perform at this event. They will learn a dance and do some tumbling here.  All other team kids can come to the event and tumble on the mats throughout the night, but will not be in the performance.

Troutdale Summerfest Parade Saturday, July 20th - this is a Saturday morning parade and then we will have a vending booth in the park.  All team kids are welcome to attend this event and walk in this parade.  We are hoping to get some stage time at this event and will have all our kids in levels 2 and 3 perform a small tumbling/dance performance at this event.  More information to come.

Fairview on the Green – Saturday, September 28th – We are looking into this at this time and trying to see if we can be a vendor and performer at this event and will have more information to follow if we do get in.  We would have a booth at this community event.  Again, all team kids will be invited to attend this event, but we are hoping we will have a set stage time and that all the Xcel kids will be able to do a performance at this event.

Gresham Teddy Bear Parade – Saturday, September 28th – This Saturday morning parade is geared more towards our recreational families giving them an opportunity to represent Rigert Elite as well.  This is the same day as the Fairview on the Green.