Are you ready to check out the best gym around?!
Here are Rigert Elite we offer a free Trial class to all new students! We want you to feel confident before making a commitment to our gym and registering for classes. We know you will like our gym and want to come back week after week.
To sign up for a free trial class, go to our class schedule and availability page.
Find the class you wish to trial and click the Register button the left of that class. This will pop up the registration page. As you fill this page out, there is a drop down question asking if you would like to trial this class. You want to select Yes. This will register you as a trial student.
Since this is a free trial class, the card you enter at Registration will not be charged at this time.
Please note that after your trial class, if you decide you want to keep your spot in that class you will need to let the office know immediately following your class. Once prorated tuition for remaining classes in the month and registration is paid, you will be fully enrolled in the class. If you choose not to enroll immediately following your trial class you can go online and re-enroll later, but you risk losing your place in the class if it is a full class and may have to join the waitlist or choose a different day or time.